2022 NELG Boat Show & Cruise at Wolfeboro Town Docks
At Wolfeboro NH Town Docks- this 3 day event from Thursday to Saturday, is filled with rides and great fun with our boat group. Thursday and Friday are rendevouz rides through New Hampshire Lakes, and Saturday morning at 9:00 AM we kick off our top event of the year!
Rides on Thursday and Friday will be announced by March 2023. We will usually travel, Squam, Ossippee, or Winnepesaukee, these days.
Saturday Boat Show will be filled with awards, prizes, and a great attendance by the public to see our wooden boats. Usually the first boat event of the summer for the area, its a huge hit for the public to see. 9:00 AM to 2:00 pm on Saturday.
We will have volunteers for the headquarters, at tables for information, people helping at the docks to unload and load boats, and our special guest- Jon March to emcee the event with great music! He really knows how to bring the crowd.