Welcome to the 21st Annual New England Lyman Group Boat Show.
We’ve all been working in our respective boat sheds, garages, driveways, and basements getting our boats ready for the show. We’ve all been working toward hauling our boats to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, on beautiful Lake Winniepesaukee for the 21st time. This year we have been thwarted by something bigger than a broken shear pin, cranky carburetor, or flat tire. But…. The show must go on!
Please join me in thanking all the folks who have worked to bring you this wonderful display of photos and memories. I’d like to extend a special thank you to club members Marc Wilson for keeping us on track and together with video meetings and to Billy Burns for doing the heavy lifting of putting together the silent auction, and organizing photos and uploading them to create the fantastic array on our website.
The silent auction can be accessed on the group website, and bid early and often because the proceeds are needed to help support the NELG’s commitment to youth involvement with antique and classic boating at New England boating museums and other venues.
Enjoy the show!
Doug Bell
New England Lyman Group, President