1956 Lyman Runabout

Owners Dr. Marc & Cynthia Wilson



Brandy Wine


15 Feet


Brentwood, NH & Naples, ME


1956 Evinrude Lark 30hp


I purchased this 1956 Lyman 15’ Runabout two years ago from a Face Book yard sale post. She came with the original Tee-Nee trailer and an Evinrude Lark 30 HP motor. It took two years to refinish her and get the mechanicals right, but the day it sat at the Naples dock as an entry in the antique boat show was a very proud day! 

My objective is to keep the boat as original as possible given that it came to us in an unadulterated state. One concession to the use of modern materials was to replace the original cloth covered steering cable with plastic-coated steel cable. Except for the dock line cleats and rear navigation light which were missing, all the other hardware is original. 

My favorite gift this Christmas was a picture that my wife took of the boat in the fog that she had printed on canvas.  It fills me with joy every time I look at it!

 Up Next: 1957 Lyman